Campaign Responses

I often receive dozens of campaign emails from constituents concerned about a huge variety of issues. These emails have very similar wording and are generated via third party websites. Due to the vast increase in the volume of campaign emails now being generated, I can no longer guarantee replying to these individually and will therefore be posting my thoughts and views on these issues in this section of my website. This is for practical purposes and does not reflect the seriousness with which I consider issues raised. 

Please also note that I do not sign EDMs. They are costly and rarely ever get debated. I prefer to raise issues of concern directly with the relevant Minister. Please see here for my note on this. 

The Agriculture Bill

We must use our departure from the European Union to create a green country, where our environmental standards are not only maintained but enhanced.  The Agriculture Bill will enable a balance between food production and the environment which will safeguard our countryside and farming communiti

On shore wind

I am very pleased that we have placed clean growth at the heart of Government. Our strategy aims to cut emissions while keeping costs down for consumers and also creating high value jobs and helping to grow the economy.

Grass fed labelling

I would like to assure you that I fully appreciate the importance of grass fed labelling.

Food Standards

I believe that it is absolutely vital that people across the UK have confidence in the food that they eat.

Trophy Hunting

I truly believe that, as sentient beings who can experience fear and pain, all animals should be treated with thought and care. Trophy hunting involves pursuing an animal in conditions which cause that animal large amounts of stress, fear, and ultimately pain.

Protecting Oceans

Our oceans are currently facing unprecedented challenges.  These include climate change and over-fishing. It also includes the prevalence of plastics. That is why it is more important than ever to take action to ensure our seas are healthy, abundant and resilient.

Alcohol and Beer Duty

Following the announcement made in the Queen’s Speech in December that alcohol duty will be reviewed, I am confident that that the Government will continue to support pubs and will keep costs low for consumers. After all, in 2013, the Government took the decision to end the beer duty escalator.

Friends of the Earth Climate Action Pledge

Thank you to those who contacted on the Friends of the Earth Climate Action Pledge.  Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face.  Although, like the majority of those who wrote to me, I am not a climate scientist, those who work at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chan