I am happy to include a link to the Statement made yesterday in Parliament by the Prime Minister indicating that the Government will proceed with HS2 https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2020-02-11/debates/9160CC0E-C4BB-4D51-8CD9-93EB9D76F644/TransportInfrastructure
This is not of course the end of the story and both the Prime Minister and the Transport Secretary have spoken of the need for much wider consultation and a more caring approach both to individuals and the environment. Like them, I am not at all happy with how we got to where we are now and I am quite critical of HS2 Ltd. If the project is to continue successfully we now need to make sure that it is done properly, that budget controls are brought in and that as little damage as possible is done to environmental concerns along the route.
I have long seen HS2 as being the best method of spreading some of the growth in the South East to the North and of increasing capacity. The extension of it beyond Birmingham is highly welcome.