John has offered his congratulations to Cherwell District Council on winning £17,300 from DEFRA for air quality improvements. The council will deliver a project for an anti-idling campaign at level crossings, schools, hospitals and doctor’s surgeries.
John said: “Clean air is vital for people’s health and the environment. Tackling all sources of air pollution is essential for making sure our cities and towns are welcoming places for people to live and work in, now and in the future. Local government has been the main agent for cleaning up local air since before the first Clean Air Act of 1956. My congratulations go to Cherwell.”
Defra’s Air Quality Grant Programme provides funding to local authorities to carry out projects in local communities to tackle air pollution and reduce emissions affecting schools, businesses and residents. Nearly £70 million has been awarded through the Air Quality Grant since it was launched in 1997. Applications for the Grant were of a very high standard. This project will be a successful one that will help achieve significant Air Quality improvements.