I have been contacted about a range of concerns around COVID related issues and the latest measures introduced by the Government. I have have spent some time examining the background to the short array of restrictions which are being put forward to the House this week and have brought them together in my comment below
There are many different views and opinions and no one perfect answer to tackling this situation. My first reaction was to doubt that any restrictions were required since there appears to be a lot evidence to suggest that the effect of Omicron may be mild. However having spoken to some people working in the NHS, I can see the logic in asking for an additional breathing space until this has or has not been established. It may seem a very cautious approach but I believe that is more than justified by the situation. We have to learn to live with variants in this virus as we do in other viruses but that does not mean that we can ignore variants while we find out more. Further the latest changes are time limited; they do not form a total of restrictions which a full Plan B would entail.
As it stands at the moment, tomorrow the House will be asked to vote on four things:
The use of a COVID Pass
The Government is not introducing vaccine passports. All that the Government is doing is proposing the need to show proof of either a negative test or of having had two doses of an approved vaccine. This is being introduced in limited situations, mainly large-scale events. It does not discriminate or create a second class of citizen. Those who object to having the vaccine are still free to do so and instead will have to show a negative Lateral Flow Test. This simply shows that they do not have the virus at that point in time. There are consequently no vaccine passports. We have kept our country open with no serious restrictions since July. All that is being proposed now are some limited restrictions for a limited time period in limited circumstances. This will allow businesses to stay open and people to enjoy a range of activities.
Mandatory vaccination for NHS staff
Personally, I would not wish to be treated by someone who had not been vaccinated. Anyone working in the NHS has a duty to avoid preventable harm to those they care for. Getting vaccinated is an important way of protecting all those that use the NHS and NHS staff, and thus the NHS itself. There is also a longstanding precedent for vaccination in NHS roles. For example there are policies in place to ensure those undertaking exposure-prone procedures, such as surgery, are vaccinated against Hepatitis B. I appreciate the concern over potential pressures on the workforce and this is why the requirement will not come into force until 1st April 2022.
Lateral Flow Testing if in contact with someone with the Omicron variant.
Currently if someone is discovered to have been in close physical contact with someone with the Omicron variant they are required to self-isolate for 10 days. This could lead to another round of endless ’pinging’ and unnecessary self-isolation. This requirement is being removed and replaced by the requirement to take daily Lateral Flow Tests for seven days. The tests are easily obtained from any pharmacist or online via the GOV.UK website. This gives personal responsibility to the individual and not to the State. I appreciate that there is a reported shortage of test kits at present but understand that this is a short term issue due to a sudden surge in demand.
Requirement to wear Face masks
People will be required to wear face masks in a number of indoor settings as set out on the GOV.UK website unless they are exempt. I cannot see any objection to the short-term extension of situations in which a mask should be worn.
For these reasons I cannot see any rationale for opposing what is being proposed.
Beyond these issues on which MPs will be asked to vote there is also the requirement to work from home if possible. This requirement is only guidance – it is not the law. Christmas is almost upon us. Schools and universities have or are about to finish. Companies will be closing down their offices for Christmas. This is the best time to ask people to work from home. If this continues much beyond Christmas I would not be happy as I see all around me the negative impact that working from home has had on our economy.