John has welcomed the announcement of the Education Secretary that Ofqual will be awarding students teacher assessed grades for this year’s A level and GCSE results. This follows his calls to Minister’s for prompt action to resolve the unsatisfactory situation which unfolded when results were announced last week.
John said: “I am very pleased that this decision has been made and trust that the huge anxiety experienced by students and parents alike can now be put to rest. When results were announced last week it was clear that something was wrong. I appreciate what the Government and Ofqual were trying to do in their approach but as soon as it was clear that the process resulted in more inconsistency and unfairness than could be resolved thorough the appeals process reverting to teacher assessments really was the only acceptable approach. I am pleased that this will apply to the GCSE results too.
The Department of Education has announced that student number controls will also be removed for this autumn.
John added: “I hope that now young people will be able to follow their planned courses in the coming academic year and in the meantime can enjoy the rest of the summer before embarking on this exciting next step in their chosen careers. I will them all the very best for their future studies.”