In Parliament

Here you can read John's latest speeches and other contributions to debates and question times in Parliament. These are provided by theyworkforyou. 

Batten Disease | Commons debates

Sadly, this is not the first time that we have been here discussing how to make a highly specialised drug available for people generally and

Batten Disease | Commons debates

Sadly, this is not the first time that we have been here discussing how to make a highly specialised drug available for people generally and

Batten Disease | Commons debates

Sadly, this is not the first time that we have been here discussing how to make a highly specialised drug available for people generally and

Batten Disease | Commons debates

Sadly, this is not the first time that we have been here discussing how to make a highly specialised drug available for people generally and

Hong Kong | Commons debates

Given my right hon. Friend’s comments and the current situation, how has his thoughts changed on advancing democracy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong | Commons debates

Given my right hon. Friend’s comments and the current situation, how has his thoughts changed on advancing democracy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong | Commons debates

Given my right hon. Friend’s comments and the current situation, how has his thoughts changed on advancing democracy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong | Commons debates

Given my right hon. Friend’s comments and the current situation, how has his thoughts changed on advancing democracy in Hong Kong?